Concessional Licensing


Colin Jenkinson TVR Taimar

Concessional Licensing

The WA Department of Transport provides concessions to annual registration fees for classic and historic vehicles. The rules around these concessional licenses are contained in a booklet called ‘Code 404’ issued by the WA Council of Motoring Clubs. You can get a copy by contacting us.

We can assist you to obtain concessional licensing for your vehicle by providing you a letter which you can then take to a Department of Transport Licensing centre to put a car on a concessional license. In some instances the DoT will want to inspect the vehicle and in particular where it is to be registered in WA for the first time. They are a little more relaxed about cars that are already fully WA registered that might be put on to a concessional license.

No JMAWA inspection of vehicles is required, BUT it is the owners legal responsibility to adhere to all relevant regulations.
Code 404 documents do not have to be carried in the vehicle, anyone can drive the vehicle (if suitably licensed), all must correctly display the ‘Historic’ plates, you must belong to a Club and must be fully paid up by the Club anniversary date of 30 June each year.

You can take concessional licensed cars to JMAWA organised events, those by the CMC or other sanctioned events (if in doubt ask the organisers), and test runs within a limited radius from where the car is normally kept.
Note there are requirements about taking concessional registered cars for impromptu or runs on your own on the road (it’s easy). A club member wishing to use their car for such an event needs to advise the JMAWA President or the Secretary in writing of the following:

  • Identify themselves;
  • Identify the car they will be using; and
  • Advise the date of the impromptu run.

Nothing else is required, and an email is acceptable. There is no minimum time limit as to when advice must be provided.